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How To Conquer Your Mom Stress Once And For All

Stress is real, but it doesn’t have to be crippling. Here are 5 simple ways to conquer your mom stress that include actionable plans you can do quickly.

Stress is real, but it doesn't have to be crippling. Here are 5 simple ways to conquer your mom stress that include actionable plans you can do quickly. Click to read. #momlife #stressfree

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelming stress in your life? Are you wondering how to manage it productively? Today, we will discuss 5 simple ways to manage stress levels in life.

Whether this stress is coming from work, school, parenting, or a combination of everything, we will discuss 5 simple ways to manage stress levels in life.

I know the early spring is a really crazy time of year. The weather is changing, things are warming up, the little ones are probably anxious to get outside and play (I know mine are), everyone wants to be enjoying the sunshine, and life seems to “wake up” from its winter slumber.

The beginning of spring and through summer tends to be an especially busy time of the year. Two words sum up everything you’ll experience with the good, the bad, and the ugly: “Life Happens.”

Yet, as life does happen and as we go through our day helping those around us, we need to make sure that our needs are taken care of as well. This is especially true when it comes to managing our stress levels.

I know each person handles stress very differently, some better than others. But I’ve found that there are 5 things that anyone can do to help manage their stress levels and enjoy the moment they’re in a bit more.

How To Conquer Your Mom Stress Once And For All

1. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic daily goals will help you stay focused on the tasks you need (and want) to accomplish each day. Whether you’re a night owl or a morning person, pick a time that works best for you to spend 10-15 minutes planning the next day’s events.

As you write down your goals and set yourself up for success, I strongly encourage you to not overwhelm yourself.

Write down no more than 5 goals that are your top priorities and then list the things you would like to do but won’t be upset if you don’t get to them. (For me, my daily number of goals is 3).

With your time and your mind focused on a few things (instead of a huge number) you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much more productive you will feel.

2. Prioritize – First Things First

There is a story about a professor who brought in a mason jar, large stones, pebbles, and sand to his classroom. He asked the students to place all of these items in the jar so they all fit. Some people began with the pebbles, and others started with the sand.
As the professor saw his students struggle he took the time to really emphasize the importance of prioritizing and making first things first. He put the big rocks in the jar and said, “these represent family and faith.” He then took the pebbles and commented, “this is work and your commitments.” Finally, he poured the sand into the jar and said, “this is everything else.”

And everything fit perfectly into the jar.

Decide and write down those things that are non-negotiable. Do you and your family have dinner or breakfast together each day? Are you part of an organization or group that you find fulfillment in? Write these things down, their days and times.

It’s amazing how your brain starts to organize things when you start writing them down.

3. Ask For Help

It’s okay to ask for help from your family and friends. My husband once told me, “Micah, I’m going to be honest with you. As much as you want me to read your mind and know exactly what you need, I can’t. But if you tell me how I can help you, I will be right there for you.”

I’ll be honest, I really struggle to ask for help. There is the thought of inconveniencing people and being worried about getting the “no” answer. Yet, if we are so willing to serve others then we need to be willing to allow others to serve us.

Both are blessed.

4. Slow Down

Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing. Now, don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want you to think that you can stay in bed and binge on Netflix all day (as fun as that might be for some people).

But, if you find yourself going from one place to the next with very little breathing room, take a moment to pause and ask yourself, “what can I cut out?”

I was speaking with an older mother who gave some amazing parenting advice. She told me, “as a mother you want your child involved in everything: school, activities, dance, etc. You want them trying new things and making new friends. Yet, in that process, the child tends to lose because after they graduate high school, all of their activities are done and they are left on their own with nothing. It’s then that they start to feel like they are lost.”

She did follow up by encouraging one or two activities but limiting them so the family is spending time together. So everyone can take personal time to themselves to sit, reflect, plan, and pause.

5. Reflect & Review

Take time to reflect on where you are and if you’re happy. Your happiness is important and needs to be a priority as well. If you’re happy with where life is going, then fantastic. If not, then what needs to change? What can be done differently?

Do you need to say “no” a bit more? Do you need to delegate a few assignments? Is there a need to cut back and minimize outside family activities? Do you need to find a creative and fulfilling outlet for yourself? Whatever it might be, pause, reflect and take that leap of faith.

As you focus on 1 or all 5 of these tips to manage your stress levels in life, I want you to pay attention to what works for you. Recognizing where the stress is coming from and working with yourself to minimize that stress point will pay off.

You will be able to focus more, keep your sanity, and simply enjoy life because you’re worth it.

Is there something you do to help manage your stress levels? Share in the comments below!

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