Are you currently experiencing difficult times? We know it’s important to trust God and His plan for our lives. But, how can we overcome fear and difficult times without feeling like God ran us over with a truck? Continue reading to learn how you can strengthen your faith in God, even through hard times.
The last time I felt like God ran me over with a truck was a few years ago. That time in our life really stunk.
Now, I’m not here to tell you that we all experience hard times and to “buck up and deal with it” (although, sometimes I find that I often tell myself to do so).
That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to let you know that you’re not alone.
A few years ago my family had a job that we thought we’d always have and suddenly lost due to downsizing and reduced hours.
We felt like we couldn’t breathe because we were so worried about how we were going to care for our small family if we couldn’t find something else within a few weeks.
And although we were blessed with work soon, the job was several hours away and my husband’s salary made my Momma’s heart question how we were going to make ends meet.
Difficult Times Ahead? How to NOT Feel Like God Ran You Over with a Truck
Through all the tears, the struggles, and the questions throughout my life, there are 5 lessons that God continues to teach me during my trials. These are lessons that have stayed with me and are constant reminders for me when difficult times come back into my life.
I know they’ll help you as well.
1. Look to the Savior’s Life
The Savior truly is the perfect example for us to follow. I want you to note that throughout his life he was “ministered” to by angels – he was taught, instructed, and blessed by angels.
It wasn’t until his greatest suffering that he called out to the Father saying,
“Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” – Mark 14:36 (KJV).
Christ recognized that the Father has all power to take away our sufferings and he asked the Father to remove from him the pain he was experiencing. He truly did suffer, and even then, I know that when we speak of Christ’s suffering, that the word “suffer” does not do justice what our loving Savior felt.
Please take note that it was after Christ said, “Thy will be done” that the Father sent an angel to strengthen him. This is the first (and only time) on record that angels were sent to the Savior to strengthen him during his time of greatest need.
“And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly.” – Luke 22:43-44 (KJV).
2. Consistent Prayer & Quality Scripture Reading
Knowing that God sent him help, the Savior, even in agony, prayed more earnestly.
There is a power that can only be found by our consistent and heartfelt prayers that we offer up to God, cupped with quality scripture study.
Never underestimate the power of your prayers or think that God isn’t listening. These are the lies Satan wants you to believe because he knows if you believe them that you’ll begin to turn away from God over time.
“God never hears me,” “If God loved me then Jon wouldn’t have lost his job,” “Why doesn’t God heal my baby?” “Why did God let Susan die and take her away from her young family?” The questions are endless and more heartbreaking than the next.
I do not know the meaning of all things, but I do know and have received a confirmation from the Spirit that God loves His children. He really does.
Through our deepest trials and difficult times, may we, like the Savior draw closer to God through our diligent and earnest prayers and scripture reading.
3. Write in Your Journal
Even though some days you don’t feel like doing anything, don’t let the opportunity to write in your journal pass you by.
Record the events that are happening in your life. Write out your questions, doubts, fears, and frustrations. And then write what you know to be true.
You know that God is there and that you can talk to Him in prayer. What else do you know to be true?
When the difficult time has ended you’ll be able to look back and see the spiritual growth you have made in drawing yourself closer to God.
Not only for this reason but perhaps, your child or a grandchild will experiencing something just as heartbreaking in their lifetime. What a wonderful blessing you would be to them as you share with them entries from your journal. You’d become an angel sent from God to them during their time of need.
4. Happy Trials!
During church service, a woman spoke about how she would text her kids “happy trails” (a saying by Roy Rogers) whenever they would leave on a trip.
A particular day a certain child of hers was going through a really hard time. She thought she text “happy trails” as normal, but instead, it came out to reading “happy trials.”
“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love.” – 1 Peter 1:7-8 (KJV).
Although her child didn’t find his mother’s antics very funny, she has reflected on this “old ladies shouldn’t use technology” text mistake very revealing.
How often do we joy in our afflictions, as Peter commands us to do?
I know going around saying, “I’m so excited about this trial!” or “Oh my goodness, I’m so glad I’m experiencing this difficult time! Wow, this is really going to help me grow” aren’t things we find ourselves smiling about.
In fact, I think if you did, I would think you are a little crazy.
But Peter gives us an eternal truth that the trials we experience in this life are for the honor and glory when Christ comes.
We look back at the life of Christ and his suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross. He truly had the greatest trial and the insurmountable blessings that have come to all of mankind because he overcame is a truth we can find comfort in.
We don’t know why we experience certain trials, but we do know that there is a reason and that reason will be made known to us as we love Christ and have faith in him.
Although we might not know the reason in this life, we do know, from Peter, what will become of our trial if we stay close to Christ.
5. Your Goal – Spiritual Peace
Our goal is to have spiritual peace in this life. This is a peace that money cannot buy but can be ours if we are willing to put forth the trust and work that God requires of us.
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39 (KJV).
I know what you’re going through isn’t easy, and some days you might be feeling like your very heartstrings are being tugged.
We could spend all day going over tips, pointers, and reminders about what we learn from studying the Savior’s life, maintaining scripture study and personal prayer, writing in our journal, maintaining a positive outlook, and seeking for spiritual peace when the world around us is falling apart.
But, none of this really matters unless you put the things we’ve discussed today into action.
The moment you decide and take action towards growing closer to Christ and the Father is the moment that you won’t feel like you were run over by a truck. You’ll realize that God has always been there, walking beside you, helping you, all along.
Remember that He loves you perfectly. He knows the beautiful and glorious life He is creating for you, even in your the darkest days. Remember, He’s never failed you before and He doesn’t have any intention of doing so now.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” – Romans 8:28 )KJV).
Before you leave, share in the comments below a scripture that has provided comfort to you during difficult times. Our community would love to read them.
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].