Home / Celebrate Holidays / 81 Heartfelt Happy First Fathers Day Quotes In 2024

81 Heartfelt Happy First Fathers Day Quotes In 2024

When my husband held our first child in a remote hospital, I watched him transform from a nervous young man to a steadfast protector and guide.

It’s a special moment when new dads realize their little one relies on them for love and safety.

This Father’s Day you can find the perfect words to thank the man who has been by your side and supported your family with one of these special quotes.

first fathers day quotes; a father cuddling a newborn baby.

81 Heartfelt Happy First Fathers Day Quotes In 2024

And feel free to share these messages in a social media post or a card for the man in your life this Father’s Day.

Happy First Father’s Day Quotes For First-Time Dads

“Children learn to smile from their parents.” – Shinichi Suzuki

“The imprint of a father remains forever on the life of a child.” – Roy Lessin 

“When my father didn’t have my hand he had my back”. – Linda Poindexter

“A father carries pictures where his money used to be.” – Steve Martin

“Dads are like chocolate chip cookies; they may have chips or be totally nutty, but they are sweet and make the world a better place, especially for their children.” – Hillary Lytle

“It’s an ongoing joy being a dad.” – Liam Neeson

“A strong father means a strong family.” – Melvina Young

“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by the little scraps of wisdom.” – Umberto Eco

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” – Sigmund Freud

“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.” – Tim Russert

“You’re a new dad and I could not be more proud of you. May this Father’s Day be the first of many special days that you share with your child.”

“You make parenting look so easy. Happy First Father’s Day!”

“I hope this special day is filled with love and laughter. Happy First Father’s Day!”

“Happy First Fathers Day! It’s only the beginning of a wonderful journey as a dad.”

“Such an amazing first year as a dad, you deserve all the love today and every day. Happy First Father’s Day!”

Best First Father’s Day Wishes For His Father’s Day Card

“Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name!” – William Wordsworth

“The nature of parenthood is that you’re doing something you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified when you do it.” – John Green

”The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” – Antoine François Prévost

“When you’re young, you think your dad is Superman. Then you grow up, and you realize he’s just a regular guy who wears a cape.” – Dave Attell

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland

“Having a kid is like falling in love for the first time when you’re 12, but every single day.” – Mike Myers

“The only way I can describe fatherhood is at the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you know how his heart grows like five times? Everything is full; it’s just full all the time.” – Matt Damon

“Being a dad isn’t just about eating a huge bag of gummy-bears as your wife gives birth. It means being comfortable with the word hero.” – Ryan Reynolds

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” – Billy Graham

“There are no ordinary men but extraordinary dads. They show up with hard work and unconditional love. Happy Fathers Day!”

“Fathers are like a lighthouse – they guide you through the storm of life and always keep their hearts open to you. May your Father’s Day be filled with light.”

“The greatest thing you will ever do will be found within the walls of your home. And just remember, there are no perfect men who are dads, but rather imperfect dads who are perfect for their children.”

“The influence of a father in the life of a child can never be overstated. Happy Father’s Day!”

Sweet Father’s Day Messages From Wife

To the love of my life, thank you for being such an amazing husband and father. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to share this life with. Happy Father’s Day!”

“Happy Father’s Day to the man who holds my heart in his hands every day! I love you!”

“Thanks for all of the times you put our family first. You are the best dad for our child and my best friend, and I’m so blessed to have you in my life. Happy Father’s Day!”

“Happy Father’s Day to the man who makes me feel loved and supported every single day! You are truly a blessing.”

“The best thing I ever did was marry you. You are an amazing husband and a wonderful dad, and our child is lucky to have you! Happy Father’s Day!”

“To my dear husband, thank you for all the love and dedication you give to our family. You make every day a special one. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

“The most important thing you could ever teach our son is to be a man like you. You are an inspiration and the ideal role model for our little one. I love you!”

Happy Father’s Day to my incredible husband! I’m so thankful that our child has you to look up to and learn from. You’re an amazing dad and hold a special place in our home. Have a happy 1st Father’s Day.”

“A happy family is built on the foundation of a loving and patience. Thank you for all that you do, and I hope this Father’s Day brings you joy and peace. Have a wonderful day!”

“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’re such a great dad and I’m so proud to join you in this journey called parenthood. Have a wonderful Father’s Day!”

Happy Father’s Day to the man who puts his family’s needs before his own! Your unselfish love is truly inspiring, and I am so blessed to have you in my life.”

First Father’s Day Messages From Daughter

“To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.” – Euripides

“Fathers and daughters, connected by heart right from the start!” – Paige DeRuyscher

“A dad’s job is to lift his daughter up so that one day she will rise on her own.” – Catherine Hollyer

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad.” – Anne Geddes

“I’ve said it before, but it’s absolutely true: My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.” – Liza Minnelli

“I know I’m just a little girl right now, but I want you to know that I already look up to you so much. Happy Father’s Day!”

“You are my safe place, my first teacher and my best friend. You are the best Dad in the world and I love you. Happy Father’s Day!”

“Thank you for not getting too grumpy when I wake you up at all the ungodly hours of the night! You’re the best. Have a wonderful Father’s Day!”

“You’re the best father that God could have blessed me with. Thank you for your love, support and guidance. Have an amazing Father’s Day!”

“Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I’m grateful for all that you do and the life lessons you’ve taught me. You’re my role model and I look up to you always.”

“I love you more than anything in the whole world. Thank you for being such an amazing father and for all that you do. Have a wonderful Father’s Day!”

“No matter where life takes me I will always be your little princess. I’m so thankful for your unconditional love and support. Happy Father’s Day!”

“I will never be able to put into words how much it means to me that you are my father. I love and appreciate you more than words can express.”

“My biggest blessing is having such an amazing dad like you! You have always been there for me and I’m blessed to have you in my life. Have a wonderful Father’s Day!”

First Father’s Day Messages From Son

“My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.’” – Michael Jordan

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano

“Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds.” – Terri Guillemets

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” – Frank A. Clark

“The first time I saw my son, it felt like time stopped.” – John Legend

“When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.” – William Shakespeare

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” – Frank A. Clark

“If all else fails, I know I can count on you, Dad. You’re my pillar of strength and I’ll always look up to you. Happy Father’s Day!”

“Thanks for being the best listener, teacher and friend. No one understands my craziness better than you do. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader and supporter. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!”

“Remember to take your son fishing all the time. But between you and me, I don’t think I have to tell you this twice. I love you, dad.”

“Dear daddy, you have always been there for me and I thank God everyday that you’re my father. Happy Father’s Day to the world’s best dad!”

“The thrill of a great father-son relationship is one that can’t be described. I’m so lucky to have you as my dad. Happy Father’s Day!”

“The only thing you need to remember is that no matter how much you grow, for me you’ll always be my little boy. I love you so much!”

“Your favorite thing is mom, cars, and tools. But my favorite thing is you. Happy dad day.”

Happy Father’s Day Quotes From Relatives and Friends

“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father.” – Lydia Maria Child

“When you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide you… A father’s always there.” – Thomas J. Langley

“Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow.” – Reed Markham

“I want to congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers whether they are stepfathers, or biological fathers or just spiritual fathers.” – T.D. Jakes

“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” 

“Dad: A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.”

“Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.” – Victor Hugo

“Let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children’s liberty.” – Abraham Lincoln

“You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life, because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.” – Jerry Seinfeld

“Whether you’re the biological dad, a father figure, or care for a child in another way, you are appreciated and loved this Father’s Day!”

“Focus on the good times, the strong hands, and sweet words of a father. These memories will last far longer than any material gift you could give.”

“The important things in life come from the heart, and that’s why a father’s love is so important.”

“Thanks for being our sounding board when our family was in a hard place. It was truly the best gift you could have given all of us. Happy Father’s Day.”

“Can I give you some good advice? Love your kids no matter what. They might not remember what they say to you, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

I hope you were able to find the right words to share with a good man this Father’s Day.

To all the fathers, stepfathers, father figures and guardians out there – Happy Father’s Day!

May your day be full of love and joy!

We may not always express our appreciation for them but everyone knows that our dads are some of the greatest people in the world.

So let’s take the time to show them how much we care and appreciate everything they have done for us.

Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderful first time dads!

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