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How To Build Trust In God Like A Pro

Having trust in God can be difficult. You want to know His plan for you and the answers to your life’s problems. So, you first need to learn how to build your trust in God (like a pro) and today, I want to teach you how in 3 simple steps.

Having trust in God can be difficult. You want to know His plan for you and the answers to your life's problems. So, you first need to learn how to build your trust in God (like a pro) and today, I want to teach you how in 3 simple steps. Click to read.

Having trust in God can be difficult.

There is so much going on in your life and some days you probably even wonder if He is really there because “who in the world would let this happen!?”

You want to know His plan for you and the answers to your life’s problems and questions. And when they don’t come, you wonder if there is a point to the pain you’re experiencing.

And when they don’t come, you wonder if there is a point to the pain you’re experiencing.

My friend, I want you to know that you’re not alone in this.

A few years ago, my husband and I were finally at a point in our life where everything was going well. We had a full-time income, two little ones who stole our hearts, and all of that changed in one day.

The company our family was working for was downsizing and the closest job Travis could find was over 300 miles away. After securing employment we knew we were going to have a pay cut but didn’t realize how HUGE it would be.

We went from comfortable life to “oh my goodness, what in the world happened” all in one day.

I felt lost, alone, and a bit angry. Our first night in our new apartment, I cried after everyone fell asleep.

I’ve always known that God is real and that He loves His children, very much. However, I was struggling with trying to find answers on why God wanted this to happen, what my family and I are supposed to learn, and how soon this trial could end.

The 3 lessons I have learned about having trust in God, even though it’s difficult to do so, are lessons I want to share with you today. My hope is that something I say will help you through whatever difficulty you are facing.

How To Build Trust In God Like A Pro

1. Focus On The Lesson’s Learned

In order to build your trust in God, you need to focus on the lesson’s He is trying to teach you. The best way to do this is to keep a journal.

Now, you don’t need to write the “Dear Diary” kind of journal, and truthfully, it can be a 25 cent notebook from your local grocery store.

I want you to write down the biggest struggle you’re going through right now on the top of the page. Then, every day, I want you to write a sentence or two about your struggle.

Write down your feelings (the good, the bad, and the ugly), write down when you have successes and any spiritual insights that God gives you.

Over time you will begin to notice that there is a lesson being learned.

For my family and I, through our trial, we learned that God is the one who is in control – not our bank book. There were so many times when we should not have had food in our cupboard, but yet we found an extra can or had leftovers in the fridge that we thought we ate.

I promise that God is aware of you and there is a lesson He wants you to learn from the trial you are currently going through.

2. Study Your Long Term Growth

Who you are today and who you were a year ago, are not the same person. The question you need to be asking yourself, are you growing closer to God, or are you running away from Him?

There is a story about two thieves who were both caught stealing from the Church. Both had crosses burned onto their foreheads for their crimes so the world would know what they did.

One thief ran away in anger and was never heard from again.

The second chose to spend the rest of his life serving others.

When he became an old man a child asked the townspeople, “why does he have the cross on his forehead?” and someone replied, “It must be because he is a Saint.”

His past transgression was long forgotten, and although he sinned in his youth, he chose to spend the rest of his life serving God.

This young man’s growth and yours is long term. But, if you allow and embrace the lessons God wants to teach you, you will begin to become a new person in Him.

You will become a little more patient, a bit more kind, and you’ll be able to touch another person’s life in no other way possible, then from having God be your tutor.

3. Don’t Beat Yourself Up When You Fall

There will be times when you will cry, scream at God, and you’ll hide inside yourself and not want to come out.

And when those moments happen (because they will), don’t be angry with yourself. It’s okay to take a moment to cry and express yourself.

The real test comes from deciding if you’re going to get back up again.

One of my favorite scriptures is in Joshua, and the Lord has called him to be the prophet after Moses. His job is to get all of the people into the promised land (no pressure, right?)

Just as the Lord tells Joshua, he also tells us:

Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. – Joshua 1:9

We are never alone when we have God on our side.

As you have faith and trust in God, you will see miracles in your life. You will feel closer to heaven and know that you’re in God’s hands and care. He loves you more than you realize.

As you focus on the lessons you are learning through your trials by writing in a journal, focus on the growth and progress you are making, and remember to not beat yourself up when you fall, you will build trust in God (like a pro) and deepen your relationship with Him.

I would love to know what you do to help strengthen your relationship with God. Leave a comment below and share with the community.

2 thoughts on “How To Build Trust In God Like A Pro”

  1. Precious girl! I love how the Lord subtly draws our attention to what our heart needs. Trial has been my middle name it feels this entire year and some of 2016. I see light slowly emerging and my heart needed this. ❤️

    1. Bless you, Jennifer. You’ll be in my prayers, and I promise that you’re not alone in your trials (although it might seem that way). Heaven is just a prayer away.

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