Get ready for some fiesta fun!
Cinco de Mayo is a joyous occasion that commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.
It is a time to celebrate Mexican culture, dance to upbeat music, and indulge in delicious Mexican cuisine.
65 Best Happy Cinco de Mayo Quotes For Your Next Fiesta
So, whether you are planning your Cinco de Mayo celebrations with friends or inviting family over for festive fun, we’ve got 65 beautiful Cinco de Mayo quotes to share on invitations, social media, or simply to celebrate the occasion.

- A Brief History Of Mexico’s Victory Against Napoleon iii
- Happy Cinco de Mayo Quotes To Share
- Inspirational Quotes For Cinco de Mayo
- Funny Quotes In Honor of Cinco de Mayo
- Mexican-American Culture Quotes For This Annual Celebration
- Short Cinco de Mayo Quotes For Social Media
- Quotes By Mexican-Americans In Honor Of The Fifth of May
A Brief History Of Mexico’s Victory Against Napoleon iii
Cinco de Mayo is an important date in this country’s history, celebrated annually on May 5th.
Spanning back to 1862, it marks the day the Mexican army were victorious against the French army in the Battle of Puebla.
This historic battle was fought between 6,000 Mexicans and 8,000 French forces and despite being heavily outnumbered, General Ignacio Zaragoza and his troops were able to claim the unlikely victory over their adversaries.
This special day of celebration for freedom and culture has been important to this country ever since.
And today, people around the world honor Mexico’s amazing feat and celebrate the courage and collective spirit that drove this country to victory against great odds with parties full of dancing, food, drinks and of course, Mexican flags.
The Cinco de Mayo celebration should not be confused with Mexico’s Independence Day, which is had on September 16th.
This Mexican holiday is where Spain in 1821 withdrew their influence and power to officially recognized Mexico as an independent country.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Quotes To Share
1 – “Viva la libertad! ¡Viva México!” – Emiliano Zapata
2 – “Cinco de Mayo is an important day. The Mexicans had to defend themselves from the French. It is historically significant, but it is not Mexican Independence Day.” – Kuno Becker
3 – “True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” – Clarence Darrow
4 – “For children, diversity needs to be real and not merely relegated to learning the names of the usual suspects during Black History Month or enjoying south-of-the-border cuisine on Cinco de Mayo. It means talking to and spending time with kids not like them so that they may discover those kids are in fact just like them.” – John Ridley
5 – “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” – Emiliano Zapata
6 – “This weekend, millions of Americans will celebrate Cinco de Mayo and pay tribute to the rich history and courage of the Mexican people. This day of pride and celebration for Mexican Americans has been embraced by Americans of all backgrounds as a tribute to our deep historical, cultural and economic ties to Mexico. It is an opportunity to recognize the many ways in which Mexican Americans enrich the country with their culture.” – Hillary Clinton
7 – “Respect for the rights of others means peace.” – Benito Juarez
8 – “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori (It is sweet and proper to die for one’s country)” – Roman poet, Horace
9 – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Inspirational Quotes For Cinco de Mayo
10 – “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” – Abraham Lincoln
11 – “Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.” – Joe Baca
12 – “There is something magnificent in having a country to love.” – James Russell Lowell
13 – “Latinos have fought in all of America’s wars, beginning with the Revolutionary War. Many Latinos are fighting and dying for our country today in Iraq, just as several of their ancestors fought for freedom in Mexico over a century ago.” – Joe Baca
14 – “Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.” – Oscar Wilde
15 – “Dulcis amor patriae (Sweet is the love of one’s country).” — Willa Cather
16 – “Freedom is when the people can speak, democracy is when the government listens.” – Alastair Farrugia
17 – “The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman.” – Willa Cather
Funny Quotes In Honor of Cinco de Mayo
18 – “Cinco de Mayo is boring…said no Juan ever!”
19 – “In queso you didn’t know, I love Cinco de Mayo!”
20 – “Life’s short. Eat more tacos!”
21 – “Fiesta all day, siesta all night!”
22 – “How are you going to shell-ebrate Cinco de Mayo this year?”
23 – “Taco bout a fun day!”
24 – “Happy Cinco de Mayo. If you don’t know what that means, maybe you’re a little out of touch – or maybe you’re the governor of Arizona.” – Craig Ferguson
25 – “Happy Cinco de Mayo! It’s a holiday that’s as respectful of Mexican traditions as Epcot Center’s Mexican food pavilion.” – Conan O’Brien
26 – “Happy Cinco de Mayo! In honor of Cinco de Mayo, mayor Bill de Blasio is filling all New York City potholes with guacamole.” – David Letterman
27 – “I don’t drink anymore for Cinco de Mayo. I celebrate with Mexican food, or as it’s known in Mexico: ‘food.'” – Craig Ferguson
28 – “I had to learn quick, because I was performing in Cinco de Mayo festivals with babies crying and people lifting their beers, and you know the feather dancers would come, and they’d say, 29 – 29 – “What are you, a poet? You’re next.” – Sandra Cisneros
30 – “I can think of many reasonable excuses for needing a cocktail, but Cinco De Mayo is always a no-brainer.” – Rachel Hollis
Mexican-American Culture Quotes For This Annual Celebration
31 – “Ask a random focus group which is better, Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s, and overwhelmingly, unless they’re made up of people who are at least part Irish, they’re gonna go for Cinco de Mayo.” – A.D. Aliwat
32 – “Cinco de Mayo is a date that marks the eternal friendship between Mexico and the United States.” – Vicente Fox
33 – “Our culture is like a rainbow, with many beautiful colors and hues. On Cinco de Mayo, it’s important to take time to appreciate our rich heritage.” – Wendy Carrillo
34 – “Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop in Las Vegas yesterday. She said she wants citizenship for undocumented immigrants. But after seeing Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo yesterday, immigrants said, ‘You know what, we’re good. We’re gonna head back now. We had enough.’” — Jimmy Fallon
35 – “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upholds a California school’s ban on wearing American flag T-shirts so as not to upset Mexican immigrants celebrating Cinco de Mayo.” — Ann Coulter
Short Cinco de Mayo Quotes For Social Media
36 – “Viva la fiesta!”
37 – “¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!”
38 – “Cheers to Cinco de Mayo!”
39 – “Canta y baila en la fiesta.”
40 – “Dulcis amor patriae” (sweet love of country).
41 – “Celebrate the day with tacos and tequila.”
42 – “Taco ’bout a good time!”
43 – “Let’s taco-bout a fiesta!”
44 – “Viva Mexico!”
45 – “Maracas and margaritas!”
46 – “Have a slice of lime and enjoy a good time.”
47 – “Taco chance on me this Cinco de Mayo.”
48 – “If you don’t like tacos, I’m nacho type.”
49 – “I’m in a serious relation-chip with Cinco de Mayo!”
50 – “I love our friend-chip! Happy Cinco de Mayo.”
51 – “Don’t burrito your head in the sand.”
52 – “In queso you didn’t know, I love Cinco de Drinko!”
53 – “Let’s burrito the hatchet on Cinco de Mayo.”
54 – “The only bad taco is having no taco at all!”
55 – “Friends don’t let friends go taco-less.”
56 – “Chip, chip horray!”
57 – “Happy drinko de mayo day!”
58 – “Tasty tacos and chips? You’re a chip off the ol’ guac!”
Quotes By Mexican-Americans In Honor Of The Fifth of May
59 – “To me, it’s very important to follow that tradition and try to find those champions, role models for the next generation.” – Oscar De La Hoya
60 – “My father always reminded us that it was important to stand up for your rights, and regardless of who you are and where you come from, to hold you head up high with dignity and respect.” – Hilda Solis
61 – “I’m trying to do my part as a citizen. My part as a Hispanic. My part as a woman. As an American. I enjoy it. I think everybody should be civically engaged in a level that will affect policy. That’s the point. That’s how our government is set up.” – Eva Longoria
62 – “I’m not a survivor. Survivor comes from saying you barely made it and you’re a victim. I am triumphant. I’m not a survivor.” – Carlos Santana
63 – “I would say to do you and do you well. Don’t try to be anyone else. Don’t try to emulate what someone is doing. Play to your strengths. Even if you see someone onstage that is killing it, don’t try to do what they’re doing. Just keep doing you.” – Anjelah Johnson
64 – “If you don’t get out there and try to solve your own problems, it’s never going to change.” – Dolores Huerta
65 – “I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a totally non-violent struggle for justice.” – Cesar Chavez
Cinco de Mayo today is a day to celebrate an unlikely victory, a source of national pride both in Mexico and around the world.
This article has featured quotes that can make your fiesta more fun, inspirational and memorable.
So now all you need to do to make your celebration complete is grab your favorite drink, get dressed in festive colors and enjoy this special occasion with friends and family.
Now that you’ve heard some fun quotes today, why not share them with your friends and family?
Chances are they’re just as excited about this special holiday as you are!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].