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12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages For Toddlers

Every year, Memorial Day is celebrated in the United States on the last Monday of May to honor and remember the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives while serving in the country’s armed forces.

This time of year brings a wonderful opportunity for us to teach our children about the value of freedom and patriotism.

And what better way to engage your little ones than providing them with some fun-filled coloring pages!

memorial day coloring pages for toddlers

12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages For Toddlers

In this blog post, you can download some fantastic Memorial Day coloring sheets for your toddlers to create and learn.

These coloring pages are for non-commercial use / personal use only. If your child loves these pages, please share this blog post with your friends and family.

You can download these Memorial Day activities on your laptop, tablet or phone and print them out for some educational fun.

Here are some of the different designs of the free coloring pages you’ll find inside:

Download 12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages for Toddlers

Help your child learn about the importance of honoring our service members while having a blast coloring their favorite patriotic symbols

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    free memorial day coloring pages for kids

    Remember and Honor

    A great way to teach our toddlers to have joy in their freedoms is to honor the military service of the U.S. men and women who fought for them.

    This page features happy children surrounded by balloons with stars and stripes.

    memorial day coloring pages for toddlers pdf

    Lest We Forget

    Invite your tween or teen to spend time with your toddler for some fun coloring together.

    It features the USA flag and the poppies people love seeing on every patriotic holiday from Memorial Day to Veteran’s Day.

    memorial day coloring pages for toddlers freebie

    Memorial Day USA Eagle

    This federal holiday is a perfect time to teach your children the value of remembering those who gave their all for our freedom.

    These people deserve our upmost respect for their sacrifice.

    And this page features an eagle surrounded by stars and stripes, creating a fun visual reminder of American sacrifice.

    An unknown author once wrote, “Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.”

    memorial day coloring pages for children

    Happy Memorial Day Ribbon

    You’ll find our fun coloring pages, like this one, are in PDF format so they can be downloaded and printed from your home or on the go!

    You can also use these coloring pages as an opportunity to discuss patriotism, history, courage, selflessness, community service, and more with your toddlers.

    I know sometimes it can feel like they’re not listening.

    But if you start now to have those conversations and teaching moments, your younger and older kids will remember those values and what it means to serve now and for years to come.

    Download 12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages for Toddlers

    Help your child learn about the importance of honoring our service members while having a blast coloring their favorite patriotic symbols

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      memorial day coloring sheets for toddlers

      American Flag and Eagle

      A wonderful way to celebrate Memorial Day is to fly the American Flag on this special day in honor of those who have given their lives.

      This coloring page gives your child a chance to color and learn about the iconic symbols of America: the USA flag and the American bald eagle.

      memorial day coloring pages for toddlers free

      In Honor Of Our Heroes

      I can’t think of a time when one of those special videos of military members surprising their families at sporting events, concerts, or school ceremonies didn’t bring tears to my eyes.

      But for each of those sweet videos, there’s also pictures and moments when a fallen soldier’s casket is draped in the American flag, and family and friends aren’t able to welcome home their son or daughter, brother or sister, or mother or father in the way they were dreaming.

      It’s a powerful reminder of the sacrifices our men and women in the armed forces make for us every great day, to keep us safe and protect our freedom.

      memorial day coloring pages for kids

      Remember, Honor

      Decoration Day was originally created to remember and honor those who have fallen in battle during war-time.

      The American Flag is a symbol of courage and strength, so it’s used as the centerpiece for this design.

      memorial day coloring pages for toddlers coloring sheets printable

      Memorial Day With Children

      This coloring page is the perfect way to work on your toddler’s good motor skills since the ribbons are made out of straight lines and the stars are easy to color.

      You can even have your toddler trace each letter with their finger and then a crayon to promote letter recognition.

      memorial day coloring pages for toddlers free printable

      Honoring All Who Served

      Whether it’s attending memorial services for someone you know or hosting a moment of silence with your family, there are many ways to honor those who have served our country.

      Memorial Day is about showing your respect and gratitude for the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe and protect our freedom.

      free memorial day coloring printable for toddlers

      Thank You For Defending Our Freedom

      Can you imagine if children of all ages around the country could express their appreciation for our military service members?

      This coloring page is a great way to start.

      You can also encourage your toddler to practice saying the words “thank you” as a sign of gratitude (and a good habit to get into).

      Download 12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages for Toddlers

      Help your child learn about the importance of honoring our service members while having a blast coloring their favorite patriotic symbols

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        free coloring sheets printable memorial day for toddlers

        Remembering Those Who Served

        We have been given an amazing gift of freedom.

        This freedom was fought for and won by many brave individuals who have served our country throughout history.

        Let us take a moment to remember their service and honor their courage, strength and commitment.

        We owe them a great debt that can never be repaid.

        free coloring sheets for toddlers on memorial day

        Land of the Free Because of the Brave

        The men and women in the military are heroes and they protect our way of life.

        Let us remember to thank them for their sacrifices and show our appreciation for all that they do to keep us safe and free.

        This is a great chance to talk with your toddler about what it means to be an American, why we celebrate such an important holiday, and how we can show support and appreciation for those who serve in the military.

        Free Printable Memorial Day Coloring Pages

        This activity coloring book has so much to offer!

        Not only is it tons of fun, but there are some serious benefits that make it a great choice for kids of all ages.

        Here are the top 3 amazing benefits of this coloring book: 

        1. It’s Fun!

        Coloring can help young children develop fine motor skills.

        It also encourages creativity and imagination.

        2. It’s Educational!

        Why would a child care about patriotic images unless they understand why it’s important?

        This coloring book is the perfect activity and contains pictures of brave soldiers, a bald eagle, and a variety of coloring pages featuring the American Flag.

        3. It Teaches Respect & Appreciation.

        These Memorial Day coloring pages will give the younger generation a greater appreciation for patriotic symbols, military veterans, fallen soldiers, and current service members.

        Download 12 Free Memorial Day Coloring Pages for Toddlers

        Help your child learn about the importance of honoring our service members while having a blast coloring their favorite patriotic symbols

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          So friend, go ahead and pick a printable coloring page and spend time with your family.

          Because if you have to ask yourself, when the last time you slowed down long enough to enjoy your child’s laugh or count the freckles on their nose, then you’re going so fast that you’re missing the point of living.

          And while you teach your toddler the true meaning of Memorial Day, remember this:

          Ronald Regan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

          And one day it will be their turn to fight for the freedom we enjoy today.

          Have a happy and meaningful Memorial Day with your family!

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