Are you looking to strengthen your family bond? Do you want a strong family, even during hard times? These 10 secrets every strong family knows is a must-read! We discuss qualities that all strong families have in common (and how you can strengthen your family bond as well!)
There were two popular shows on television when I was growing up. Both of them were centered around a different family.
One family was very proper, the children didn’t get into trouble very often, while the second family was off the wall bonkers. Completely NUTS!
Both had their fun moments, kind of sentimental, and definitely serious times when parents and children would come together and both would realize that their family isn’t so bad after all.
And this is what I want you to understand too. No matter how crazy you think your family might be…you haven’t met mine.
Truth be told no family is perfect.
And I’m not talking about the “imperfect” family of single parenthood. I take my hats off to those men and women who are in the trenches trying to raise children on their own. They are doing their best with what they have and more than deserve heaven’s blessings to be with them.
I’m talking about the family you think is “perfect.” They aren’t.
Again, there is no such thing as a perfect family. But there are strong family’s and they know something that not many people understand.
If you’re wanting to strengthen your family bond, even during hard times, then you’ll love reading these 10 secrets every strong family knows.
These are 10 practical qualities every strong family takes the time to develop, cultivate, and practice in their daily lives.
Are you ready to strengthen your family bond? Let’s go!
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10 Secrets Every Strong Family Knows
1. Talk All the Time
Strong family’s talk all the time. They talk through things when times get rough and laugh during the good times. This not only helps strengthen the relationship but builds trust between each other.
It’s so easy to get into an argument with a family member, shut yourself down and walk away. The damage is done and there is nothing that you or they can do to fix it.
Something my husband is really good at (even though he says it’s a struggle for him), is when we are talking about something difficult (especially if it’s a situation I’m involved in), I tend to mentally shut down and go inside myself.
I hide.
My husband is really good about maintaining momentum in the conversation and keeps me involved in the conversation. He doesn’t talk at me, but talks with me. He reaffirms the things I’ve said and waits patiently for me to respond; waiting for me to be ready.
Strong family’s talk all the time, and they take the time to talk.
2. Develop and Cultivate Friendships
As parents, it’s important to become a mentor to our children. But don’t forget to also be their friend.
Not only for parents and their children to be friends, but encourage all of your children to become friends. Provide opportunities for siblings to hang out, have fun, and spend time together.
The more everyone is laughing and having fun the stronger your friendships will develop.
3. Do Stuff Together
Along with developing friendships is to take the time to do stuff together.
Play a board game, watch a movie, have a family night out (or in).
You don’t have to spend any money being with your family. There is so much you can do at home if you’re willing to use a little creativity.
If you’re still wondering what there is to do around the house, ask your children or spouse. Someone is bound to come up with a really fun idea.
4. Support Each Other’s Interests
I know a family whose mother gathers her 7 children and goes all out for family activities. Whether it’s sports, holidays, family reunions, you name it and she’s already on it!
The family will wear matching t-shirts to cheer during a family member’s basketball game. Or they decorate cookies together (even though one of the children would rather eat the food then decorate).
Having your family spend time in other’s interests not only strengthens your family bond but helps expose other family members to worthwhile pursuits that will provide them with experiences they wouldn’t have in any other way.
5. Pray
A strong family takes the time to pray together and pray for each other.
If you don’t have family prayer time, I would like to invite you to start doing so. Pick a time during the day (preferably morning or evening) and gather together to offer up a prayer.
Your prayer meeting doesn’t have to be long, but praying together is one of the best ways to strengthen your family.
If you find you’re having difficulty remembering your family prayer time, put an alarm or reminder on your phone to go off at a certain time.
6. Forgive
Family’s are not perfect. A strong family requires a lot of patience, kindness, service, love, and above all, forgiveness.
Remember when your children were all really little and you spilled a little milk or formula on their outfit. Were they mad at you? They might have been thinking, “Hey, that’s mine!”
But little children never stay angry and they certainly don’t hold grudges. (Now, two-year-olds on the other hand, that’s another story…)
We need to become like our little children and be willing to forgive more.
Now, forgiveness does not mean that we forget, but simply means we are willing to extend another opportunity because God has given us many as well.
7. Unity with Parents and Children
Children cannot pair up and try to outsmart their parents by pinning them against each other. The same goes for parents who want two children to compete against each other.
There cannot be any division in the household. There has to be unity, which means pride needs to be checked at the door.
When there is unity in the home from the parents and the children, there is such a beautiful spirit and feeling within the walls of that home.
I challenge you to do everything you can to build your family up in unity and love so you can strengthen your family bond.
8. Keep Looking Forward
Strong family’s do not live in the past but they keep moving forward to the future.
Each member works at being the individual they want to become for their current and future families. And together this family works towards becoming the family they want to be for each other.
Strong families extend forgiveness to each other, love and serve one another. They do not hold grudges, murmur, or do anything that would cause a division or contention in the home.
9. Develop the Characteristics and Traits you Want to Have in Your Own Family
If you want your family to be more patient with each other, then rejoice in the fact that this characteristic can easily be practiced every day!
Strengthening your family relationships takes a lot of time and practice. This is an investment of your time and energy that you can’t afford to miss.
If you think ahead, maybe 10, 20, or even 30 years from now, what would your dream family look like? You might think of being debt free, everyone being happy and healthy, but most importantly, focus on the relationships everyone has with each other.
If you want a close-knit family, are you heading in the right direction today, even with all the rough patches, hard times, and frustrations?
Are you taking advantage of these difficult learning moments to strengthen relationships instead of using them as an excuse to cause a greater division in the home?
10. Love Everyone So No One Doubts their Place in the Family
This is one of the most important qualities of a strong family. Love everyone in your home so no one will doubt their place in the family.
Love is one of the most powerful tools you can use to strengthen your home, faith, and family. You can encourage, help, serve, and motivate yourself and those around you.
One of the best places you can create for yourself, your spouse, and children is a home where there is peace, contentment, and where the spirit of love reigns within your walls.
A child will feel safe and secure when they know that their parents love them and they don’t doubt their place or role in your family.
As you take the time to talk with each other, develop friendships together, do stuff together, support each other in your interests, pray together, forgive one another, build family unity, keep moving forward, developing our own character, and loving those around us, you will strengthen your family bond.
Our family is our greatest blessing in life. The relationships we build can be really hard, especially when we have family members who are difficult to love.
But remember, strengthening our family relationships might be challenging at times, but family life is never a burden.
Share in the comments below what you love most about your family!
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].
This is beautiful. I do the same thing when conflicts arise — flee. Thanks for this wonderful advice.
Thank you so much! There comes a time when we have to decide what’s more important: the argument or the person.
It seems these days, family values in many households have gone out the window! I find it difficult to maintain the bond and have been trying to instill in my children that we are a team. Thank you for this!
It’s very heartbreaking to see what is becoming the disintegration of family life and values. I know the easy way would be the passive way and attitude of “whatever/do what you want,” but having such a view doesn’t reap the benefits and blessings of a strong family. I agree with you that a family is a team. And it’s repetitive daily choices that instill that knowledge in our children. Keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t give up. I know you’re doing your best. =)