Some days it’s hard to love ourselves and our imperfections. There is so much good we want to do, but when we don’t meet our personal standards, we begin to feel like failures. Today we discuss why you’re someone worthwhile and 3 ways you can love your imperfections.
It’s hard to love your imperfections because when we don’t do things up to our standards, we feel like failures.
We all have things that we love (and might not like so much) about ourselves.
You might love the color of your eyes or how you can always find the cutest shoes when you’re thrift shopping.
Or perhaps you love your ability to not be scared to reach out to friends or family members, especially when they’re struggling.
Then there are those times when it’s difficult to love ourselves. Those days when everything seems to keep piling on you and you struggle to feel like you’re someone worthwhile.
Perhaps the children are being a little crazy and they aren’t listening, even when you use the MOM-STER voice on them.
Maybe you burnt the food or didn’t clean the house as you would have liked and for some reason, you’re basing your self-worth on your domestic skills.
And not to mention those days when you’re trying to find peace in the home between family members all while you fulfill your duties to your employer, spouse, and to yourself.
To be frankly honest, some days downright stink. But I want you to know something:
You are someone worthwhile. You really are amazing. Think about all the things you do in a single day:
- You keep little people alive. Not only that, but you’re doing your best every day to create happy memories for them and you’re probably running yourself to the ground doing so.
- You love unconditionally. Whether this is towards your children, spouse, parents, neighbors, or friends, you love and allow them to feel your love.
- You give until you can’t give anymore. No matter what you’re doing, you always make sure that it’s your very best.
So, why is it so difficult to remember these things? Why is it so difficult to love yourself and the service you give to those around you? I would like to suggest one reason and that is this: sometimes it’s difficult to love our imperfections.
It’s difficult to love our imperfections because when we don’t do things up to our personal standards, we feel like failures. And I never want you to feel like a failure.
To help, I would like to talk about 3 things you can start doing today to allow yourself to love your imperfections.
3 Ways To Love Your Imperfections
Accept Your Offering
Accept what you’re able to give to those around you and be at peace with knowing that it’s your best for the day. There will be new mornings, new dinners, and new adventures. There will be more opportunities to make memories, clean the house, and to smile at a friend.
Be happy with knowing that what you had to offer today is your best in that moment. As long as you’re doing your best you’ll never fail.
Don’t Demand Too Much
I don’t want you to demand so much of yourself that you cannot meet your own expectations.
Be honest with your time and your abilities. There is only so much that you can get done in a single day.
If you made a list of your top 5 goals for the day and you only get 2 done (or maybe none) be okay with that.
I know it’ll be hard, especially if you’re a results driven person. But you need to remember, some days will be better than others.
And even though you didn’t accomplish what you wanted during the day, perhaps you accomplished what the Lord needed you to do.
Simply Love Yourself
Simply love you.
Love who you are and what you’re doing. And if you’re struggling with that ask those closest to you what they love the most about you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with some of the answers as many of them will be things that you never considered about yourself.
You’re someone worthwhile and you’re someone worth loving. Imperfections and all. Don’t become discouraged during a difficult day (or days) and always remember that your imperfections are what make you, YOU.
How do you love your imperfections? Share in the comments below.
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].