My spouse lives in a world where colors to him are shades of browns, grays, and blacks. When we were first dating, I found myself unintentionally making comments like, “Isn’t that a beautiful color?!”, “What do you think of these colors together,” or (his least favorite), “You don’t see that?!” to which he always responds, “No, I don’t.” Oh. It would all sink back in, he can’t see color like I can. He’s color blind.
He downloaded an app onto his phone a few years ago after people started giving him grief about “what color is this.” He did this so he could show people exactly what they would see through his eyes. In short, it stinks.
The color’s he’s privileged to see are dull, musky, and nearly lifeless. Too often he would tell me after these experiences, “I would give anything to see color like you can,” but this is all he’s known through his life. He doesn’t know any differently…until now.
My children and I surprised him with a pair of glasses that helps correct color blindness. We saved for a long time and he had no idea this moment was coming. After putting on the glasses I will be the first to admit he cried. This made me happy, but if you ask for his story he will tell you he “leaked manhood.”
His eyes opened to a new world. For the first time, he could see numerous shades of green, blues, purples, pinks, yellows. He saw how brilliantly blue his daughter’s eyes are, and the diversity and vibrancy of the colors we take for granted each day.
2 Remarkable Confessions of a Color-Blind Man
First Confession:
You have no idea how beautiful your world is.
He then promptly played the “what color is this” game with us so we could help him identify certain colors. He had never seen pink, yellow, purple, or other vibrant shades before.
Second Confession:
“I feel like a child in a new and exciting world.”
My heart was full of joy as I thought of his “new eyes.” Then I thought, are we living in a world where everything is spiritually gray, musky and lifeless? Do we drudge through the day and the motions knowing we have to keep going? But unsure of what we are doing or where we are going? Have we lost the excitement and wonder that little children seem to naturally carry with them?
So often we find ourselves clinging onto things that keep us in the dark because it’s “comfortable.” We often forget there is a world full of beautiful color God has created for us if we only open our eyes to see. The price we must pay to have “new eyes” is a steep price.
It involves swallowing our pride, forgiving our enemies, humbly accepting the Lord’s will for us, and courageously moving forward in faith with peace in our hearts knowing that in the end, everything will be okay.
God never said following Him would be easy, in fact, he declared:
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
(Matthew 10:34)
Christ knew that being one of his followers would cause contention, whether among family, friends, or strangers. But he leaves a promise with his followers:
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
(John 14:27)
We need Christ more than ever and we need to be willing to forgive those who hurt us, stand firm for heaven’s standards and laws. We need to always remember that every trial and suffering we experience in this life will be for our benefit and blessing.
God knew all of His children would not get along. He knew this before sending us to Earth. And He also wanted there to be a way we could return to Him, so He willingly gave us His perfect son, who committed no sin and was innocent, to suffer and die for us. All so we might be forgiven of our sins and have heaven’s peace in our lives.
God wants us to spiritually see color in all we witness.
He wants our lives to be full of joy, wonder, happiness, and excitement, no matter what outside influences are storming upon us, trying to deter our path from experiencing these blessings. All we can do is hold on, hang on, and cleave to heaven.
I know God loves you, I know he sent His perfect son to atone for you and me. I know He wants us to forgive, find peace, and have beauty in our lives. These things can happen as we turn to Him and allow Him to be our “eyes.” Then we might exclaim with excitement that we know, “how beautiful (our) world is.”
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].
I have heard of colour blindness in the past but I’ve never seen it explained so graphically. Thanks for sharing this touching story and for the insightful analogies you made with how we appreciate life in general. Pinning to the group board, !Inspiring Poems and Stories. You are blessed!
Thank you so much, Edith. May heaven’s blessings be yours as well. =)