You are going to LOVE this easy crafts for kids bird feeder tutorial. This is the ultimate kid-friendly craft.
Easy Crafts for Kids Bird Feeder. Your children are going to LOVE this easy craft.
My husband is trying to spend more quality time with our children. Between him working and going to law school, this can be extremely difficult. He also knows the children LOVE doing crafts. If you threw a stick of glue at them, they will find something to glue together. They always do.
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After bouncing some ideas around in his head he decided to do a “Dad Craft Series” once a month on this blog to help hold him accountable. This month’s craft is one of the easiest crafts for kids: making a bird feeder.
Continue reading to learn how easy this craft will be for you to make.
Easy Crafts for Kids Bird Feeder
Supplies Needed:
- Pinecones
- Peanut Butter
- Bird Seed
- 2 Bowls
- String/Yarn
Invite your children to come outside with you to search for pinecones. The more you involve them in creating their bird feeder, the more enthusiasm they will show throughout the craft.
How many pine cones do you need? Well, it depends on the size of the ones in your area and how many you’d like to hang from your trees. Our little ones collected over a dozen pinecones but only 4 – 5 were used in this craft.
Once you have your pine cones you’ll want to place them on your table and then set them aside.
Bring out two bowls, preferably ones with a wide mouth for easy accessibility. In one bowl place your bird seed and in the other scoop out at least 1 cup of peanut butter.
Invite your children to roll their pine cones in the peanut butter (parents may need to help with this depending on the age of the child). You may also use a knife or a spoon to smear the peanut butter.
After the pine cone is covered in peanut butter, ask the child to place the pine cone in the birdseed.
Parents will need to help attach the yarn or thick string to the craft as this may prove difficult for smaller hands.
Once the string is attached then go outside and find a place to hang the bird feeder. You’ll now be able to enjoy watching the birds that are eating the seeds you have given them.
The thing I love most about this craft is any age can help in the creation process and have fun. You’re getting your children outside collecting pine cones. You are also teaching them to help take care of others, including little birds.
What craft would you like to see next? Leave a comment below and let us know!
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].