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How To Make This Lovely Sleeping Beauty Headband

Disney ears have never looked this cute! DIY this headband using our easy tutorial for your kid’s outfit. You’ll love making this Sleeping Beauty glitter headband.

Swimming in the deep end terrified me as a kid.

So did jumping off the diving board.

But the one thing that really gave me nightmares was Maleficent.

She scared the snot out of me…and in a way, she still does.

Bony fingers, pointy horn ears that looked like the devil himself made her outfit, and her cackling voice when she laughed left me vigorously investigating my blanket for holes.

I could finally watch the movie when she turned into a dragon.

But the one thing I love about the movie Sleeping Beauty is the music.

The scene where Prince Philip and Aurora are singing their duet (“Once Upon A Dream”) in the forest is a song I still catch myself embarrassingly humming from time to time.

(Great, now the song is stuck in my head.)

As charming as this perfect Disney-couple makes, your Sleeping Beauty headbands will leave others swooning over them.

Today, I’m going to show you how to make this Disney ears headband (with and without using the Cricut Maker).

Want to learn more about the Cricut Maker? Check out this ultimate guide and how this machine will change the way you craft!

The instructions for this Disney ears headband is simple. Let’s start crafting!

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Disney ears have never looked this cute! DIY this headband using our easy tutorial for your kids outfit. You'll love making this Sleeping Beauty glitter headband. #Disney #DisneyEars #DIY #SleepingBeauty #DisneyPrincess
Yield: 1 headband

How To Make This Lovely Sleeping Beauty Headband

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Disney ears have never looked this cute! DIY this headband using our easy tutorial for your kid's outfit. You'll love making this Sleeping Beauty glitter headband.


How To Make Disney Ears Headband Without A Cricut:

  1. Find a cup/glass with at least a 3-inch circumference diameter (or the size you'd like the ears to be).
  2. Place your glitter craft foam upside down on your table (glitter side down).
  3. Trace two circles using a pencil around your cup.
  4. Cut out your circles and keep following along to make your beautiful Disney's Snow White headband.

How To Make Disney Ears Headband With A Cricut Maker

circles cricut design space

  • Insert two 3-inch* circles into Cricut's Design Space. (*For this tutorial we are using ears 3-inches in diameter. Feel free to make bigger ears if you'd like).
  • Set the ears to cut and click "Make It!"
  • Select Your Material + Knife Blade

cricut knife blade pink glitter foam

  • The first thing you'll want to do is move the white glider rolls to the side. You won't want them getting caught on your glitter craft foam when this runs through your machine (trust me, it's not fun).
  • For this project you will need to use the knife blade. I tried the fine point blade and it was barely scratching the surface to the craft foam.
  • Once you're ready to cut out your ears, you will need to change your materials in Design Space.
  • Select "Browse All Materials", "Craft Foam", and change your tool to "knife blade." (For some reason, when you select "glitter craft foam" it doesn't give you the option to use the knife blade - go figure, right?)

Pink glitter foam circles.

  • Cut your circles and begin working on your ribbons.

How To Make The Double Ribbons

  • I personally love this tutorial for making my bows (it's so simple to follow along, especially if you've never made bows before). You'll want to use this tutorial for the basic structure of your bows.
  • You will need to glue the silver ribbon on top of the gold ribbon before "closing" the two together.

disney ears headband sleeping beauty

  • First, cut out 2-pieces of gold and silver ribbon. (The picture shows four gold and four silver, this is because I was making two headbands - one for the sturdier headband and the second for the nylon headband).
  • The larger back ribbon (in our case, gold) will be 8-inches long.
  • The smaller front ribbon (silver) will need to be 6-inches long.
  • Don't forget to cut out your 2-inch piece of gold ribbon.
  • Fold the ribbon in half and bring both ends to the middle. Superglue together and do the same until all of your ribbons are secure.

Silver and gold bows pinched together.

  • Place the silver ribbon on top of the gold ribbon and secure (glue) in the center. Press together for at least 5 seconds (or until the glue starts to secure the ribbons together).
  • Repeat until your ribbons are made.
  • Take two ribbons and place a dob of glue on the top of one. Secure together and press down until the glue secures both ribbons together.
  • Wrap your 2-inch gold ribbon around both bows and secure in the back.

If You're Making A Sturdier Disney Sleeping Beauty Headband, Don't Forget To Do This!

glitter craft foam and headband

  • Take your glitter craft foam circles and lay them glitter side face down on the table.
  • Put the headbands over the circles and move the headband to where you'd like your ears to lay.
  • Trace (with a pencil or pen) and cut the bottom portion of the circle off for an easier gluing experience.

Sturdier Headband or Nylon Headband

  • No matter what type of headband you're using, you will want to glue the bow on first.
  • Then glue and place the ears accordingly.
  • I like to glue the ribbon to the ears for added support (and so the ears don't "flop" around and can maintain their structural integrity).

And there you have your new and exciting Disney ears Sleeping Beauty headband!

If you LOVE Snow White, check out her headband tutorial here.

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