Home / Parenting / 30 Things Moms Can Stop Feeling Guilty About Right Now

30 Things Moms Can Stop Feeling Guilty About Right Now

Motherhood is hard enough without feeling guilty. Here are 30 things you can stop feeling guilty about right now in your motherhood journey. Find out what they are and what you’re actually doing right.

Motherhood is hard enough without feeling guilty. Here are 30 things you can stop feeling guilty about right now in your motherhood journey. Find out what they are and what you're actually doing right. #motherhood #mom #momlife

30 Things Moms Can Stop Feeling Guilty About Right Now

1. Sneaking a piece of candy.
2. Wanting 5 minutes of alone time.
3. Wishing you can sleep, just a little longer.
4. For feeling guilty about feeling guilty.
5. Thinking you’re not doing anything right.
6. Checking your phone for a quick dinner recipe.
7. Questioning if your children will eat dinner.
8. For cooking Mac and cheese for what feels like the billionth time.
9. For being tired.

10. Falling asleep while you read your child a story.

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11. For saying “no.”
12. Not being able to do your hair and makeup like you did before kids were born.
13. Taking a little longer in the bathroom for some quiet time.
14. For taking too long in the bathroom because the world came crashing down.
15. Daydreaming of bedtime so you can sleep.
16. Not being able to give your spouse a ton of energy, time, and attention.
17. Not loving your postpartum body.
18. Wanting to fit in your wedding dress again (or those cute skinny jeans you love).
19. Wearing sweatpants and hair buns on those crazy days.

20. Wearing sweatpants and hair buns on the not so crazy days.

21. Not knowing what to cook for dinner.
22. Letting your kids sleep in, just a little longer so you can rest as well.
23. Having a messy living room.
24. Leaving dishes in the sink.
25. Drinking another cup of your caffeine (heaven knows we need it).
26. Doubting your abilities as a mother.
27. For forgetting.
28. For yelling at your kids because you want to be heard.
29. Eating the last cookie.

30. Wishing you were more…

…when you’re already more than enough.

You don’t have to feel guilty about being a mother. You’re doing the best you can with what you have.

Being a mother is tiring, exhausting, and extracts the very best from our souls.

Oftentimes we hold ourselves up to a higher, and seemingly unrealistic, standard of what we expect a mother should be doing.

You can quickly find yourself lost and struggling in the compassion or wishful thinking game.

Stop it.

You’re more than enough, and you’re doing a great job.

(Crazy hair, sweatpants and all).

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