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100 Fun Activity Day Ideas For LDS Boys, Girls & Friends

“Activity Days is the best!” said my 80 year old friend who was just called as a leader for the girl’s group.

And she’s right, it’s the best calling (volunteer position) in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (right behind nursery, of course).

Adult leaders have the chance to work with children the year they turn 8 through age 11.

Sometimes it can be a bit tiring trying to figure out fun activities the kids will love (that won’t blow the Primary budget out of the water) but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some fun, easy, and free/cheap ideas that will make your Activity Day meetings a hit!

These activities are the ones your kids will be begging to do again and again. And as a bonus, they will also help build relationships with each other and strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ.

Four children of diverse backgrounds pulling on a rope with joyful expressions in a game of tug-of-war on a grassy field during an LDS activity day.

100 Fun Activity Day Ideas For LDS Boys, Girls & Friends

Something I always told my Activity Day Leaders when I served as Primary President is to always take time to testify of Jesus Christ.

This might look like a verse of scripture, a testimony, prayer, singing a primary song, or even a simple lesson tying back to our Savior.

But with these 100 ideas, you will have fun and engaging activities that also incorporate faith-building experiences.

So let’s get started!

Two children, a boy and a girl, are intently preparing cupcake liners in a kitchen, both wearing aprons. The setting suggests an activity day baking session.

1 – Plan with the kids. While you might hear some silly and unrealistic suggestions, you’ll also uncover some real treasures. Many of our best ideas have come from listening to them.

Some questions to ask: what’s 1 thing you want to learn, 1 thing you want to teach, 1 thing you want to do. If you have some kids who are more engaged, then give them a chance to plan the activity (with parental and leader support).

These young children are capable of amazing things when we step back and give them room to run.

2 – Paint rocks. They can paint their favorite items, their favorite scripture, or a picture of their favorite scripture story.

3 – Outside play time. Have a picnic in the park and play games like tag, red light green light, or duck duck goose.

4 – Plant flowers or vegetables. This teaches kids about growth and patience while also helping them develop responsibility as they care for the plants.

5 – Host a mini Olympics. Set up various stations with different activities and keep track of points for individual or team competitions.

6 – Service project. Write letters/draw pictures for the widows or elderly in your ward or community.

7 – Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Take time to observe and appreciate the beauty of God’s creations.

8 – Make homemade ice cream. This is always a hit with kids and allows them to be creative in choosing their own flavors and toppings.

9 – Have a talent show. Encourage kids to share their talents, whether it’s singing, dancing, or telling jokes.

10 – Play “charades”. This is a fun way to act out different scenarios, emotions, and scripture heros while also building teamwork skills.

11 – Learn to cook something simple like cookies or homemade pizza. This can also lead to a discussion about the talents and gifts God has given us.

12 – Chalk a driveway or sidewalk. Let the kids get creative and write sweet messages on the Bishop or someone else’s driveway.

13 – Human foosball. All you need are long poles for the kids to hold onto and a ball they can kick back and forth. I recommend putting blue tape on the floor (super easy to clean up), so the kids know their “boundaries.” Otherwise, they’ll be running all over the gym.

14 – Teach basic first aid skills. This can be useful for both everyday situations and emergency scenarios.

15 – Create a time capsule. Fill it with current items, pictures, and memories that can be opened in the future to reminisce and see how things have changed.

16 – Build with Legos or other building blocks. Challenge kids to create something specific, like a temple or ark, or let them use their imagination.

17 – Hold a “white elephant” gift exchange. This can be a fun way for kids to trade gifts and learn the concept of giving to others.

18 – Host a game night with classic board games. Not only will this be entertaining, but it can also teach kids about sportsmanship and how to have fun without screens.

19 – Do yardwork for someone in need. This can be a great way to serve others and teach kids about the importance of charity.

20 – Make friendship bracelets or other crafts. These can be given as gifts or kept as reminders of the fun times together. Plus, it’s a great way to develop fine motor skills.

21 – Have a parent’s day. Invite the parents over for some fun photo booth pictures, family games, popcorn, and more. It’s a great way to build relationships with the parents and show them how much you appreciate their support.

22 – Tour your local courthouse or government building. This can be a great educational opportunity for kids to learn about how our laws and government work.

23 – Visit a nearby park. Take the time to appreciate the beauty around us and teach kids about conservation and environmentalism.

24 – Jeopardy game. There’s so many fun topics from temples, General Conference, the Book of Mormon, early church history, and more to create a fun jeopardy game.

25 – Bike repair workshop. This can be a great way to teach kids practical skills and how to take care of their belongings. Plus, who doesn’t love a good bike ride (boys and girls alike)?

26 – Scripture scavenger hunt at the church building. Hide different scriptures around the church and give clues to help kids find them. This can be a fun way to get them familiar with the layout of their church building and encourage scripture study.

27 – Host “Minute to Win It” games.

28 – Veteran appreciation day. Invite a few veterans from your ward come and talk with the kids. They can share what their country means to them, teach more about the branch they served in, and answer any questions kids may have.

29 – Paper airplane competition. Who can make the best paper airplane? Have a competition and see who can fly their creation the farthest.

There’s so many fun YouTube videos to help your kids learn how to make paper airplanes.

30 – Air dry modeling clay workshop. Let kids get creative with their hands and make sculptures out of air dry clay. This can also be a great opportunity to talk about the value and beauty in creating something from nothing.

31 – Glow in the dark games. You’ll want to reserve your gym ahead of time for this one, but playing games like capture the flag or basketball in the dark with glow sticks can be a fun and memorable activity for kids.

32 – Family history scavenger hunt. Create clues that lead to different family names and information on your ward’s genealogy database. This is a great way to get kids interested in their family history and teach them about their ancestors.

33 – Just Serve app. Look through the needs of your community and find a service project that your youth group can do together. This app makes finding and organizing service opportunities easy and accessible.

34 – Nerf war. Set up obstacles in the gym and let kids have a friendly Nerf battle. You can even have different challenges or objectives to make it more exciting. (Wear safety goggles).

35 – Teacher appreciation gift making. Have kids make personalized and heartfelt gifts for their teachers (primary or school). This is a great way to show gratitude and creativity.

36 – Christmas presents for family members. Start early and have kids make their own Christmas presents for family members. Not only does this save money, but it also teaches the value of giving from the heart.

37 – Creating a vision board. Help youth set goals and create a visual representation of their dreams and aspirations. This can be a great bonding activity and can inspire them to work towards their goals.

38 – Temple string art. Use nails and string to create a unique piece of art featuring your local temple. This can be a great decoration for their room or a reminder of the importance of temples.

39 – Learn about the Word of Wisdom. Have a discussion about the principles of the Word of Wisdom and how it can benefit our physical and spiritual health. You can even try making healthy snacks together.

40 – Book club. Choose a book to read together and have discussions about the themes and lessons learned. This can also be a great opportunity to improve reading skills.

41 – Pretend money (budget and tithing) activity. Give youth a set amount of pretend money and have them budget for different expenses, including paying tithing. This can teach financial responsibility in a fun way.

42 – Service scavenger hunt. Create a list of service activities and have kids complete as many as they can in a given time frame. This encourages teamwork and giving back to the community.

43 – Fruit of the Spirit lesson. Teach about the fruits of the spirit and have kids act out scenarios where they can demonstrate these qualities in real-life situations.

44 – Flannel quilt-making. Use old flannel shirts to create a cozy quilt, and donate it to someone in need or use it as a family heirloom.

45 – Sewing basics. Teach basic sewing skills to youth and have them create simple projects like a pillowcase or tote bag. This can also be a great way for them to learn a useful life skill.

46 – What you love about others. Have each person write down their name at the top of the page. Then everyone hands their page to the person on their right. Each person writes something they love about that person on the page and passes it along until everyone has written something on each page.

47 – Temple trip. Plan a trip to a nearby temple, even if youth are not old enough to enter yet. This can still be a special experience to feel the spirit and learn more about the importance of temples.

48 – Scripture art. Have youth create their own art pieces based on their favorite scriptures. This can be a fun and creative way to study the scriptures.

49 – Gospel karaoke activity. Have a karaoke activity with only gospel songs. This can be a fun way to learn new songs and feel the spirit at the same time.

50 – Manners and etiquette. Teach proper manners and etiquette through role-playing activities and discussions. This can be a valuable lesson for youth as they interact with others in various situations.

51 – Thank you cards. Have the children create homemade thank you cards for people in the ward who have been kind to them.

52 – Who Is This, game. It’s like Guess Who but with General Authorities. Have youth try to guess which General Authority is being described based on clues and facts about their life and service.

53 – Homemade first aid kit. Have kids create their own first aid kits using basic supplies like bandages, ointment, and medication. This can be a useful skill for them to have in case of emergencies.

If you have a nurse in your ward, invite them to teach about basic first aid and how to use the kit.

54 – Missionary mail. Have the kids write letters or create care packages for missionaries serving from their ward. This can be a way to show support and gratitude for their service.

55 – Escape room activity. Create an escape room with gospel-themed clues and puzzles for the kids to solve. This can be a fun and engaging way to teach important principles and scriptures.

56 – Decorate a piggy bank. Have the kids decorate (stickers or paint) a piggy bank and encourage them to save money for missions, marriages, and future homes.

57 – Heart attack service. Have the kids make heart-shaped notes with kind messages and leave them on car windshields or doors of people in the ward.

58 – Gospel art show. Have youth create their own artwork to depict gospel principles and hold an art show for the ward. This can be a great way for them to express their testimonies and talents.

59 – Clean up day. Organize a service project where the youth go around the neighborhood or local park to pick up trash and beautify the community.

60 – Create a SMASH book. Have the kids create a scrapbook-like journal filled with pictures, quotes, and memories of their spiritual journey. Encourage them to continue adding to it throughout their lives.

61 – Gratitude activity or games. Play games or do activities that focus on expressing gratitude and recognizing blessings in their lives.

62 – Rainbow bubble snake activity. Create homemade bubble wands and solution, then use food coloring to make a rainbow snake of bubbles. Tie in the symbolism of God’s promise with the rainbow.

63 – Water balloon piñatas. Fill water balloons with candy or small prizes and have the kids take turns trying to pop them. This can be a fun, summertime activity for a youth activity night.

64 – Summer water sponge bombs. Use sponges and rubber bands to create sponge bombs for a fun water fight.

65 – Bubble wand making. Use wire and straws to create unique bubble wands, then have a bubble blowing contest with different categories such as biggest bubble or longest lasting bubble.

66 – “Pass the Water” game. This is such a fun game (and all you need are cups). Fill one cup with water and have the kids pass it over their heads, with the person behind trying to catch the water in their own cup.

67 – “I Love My … Because …” Make a booklet or poster where each kid can write who they love and why. This would be a great present idea for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or Grandparent’s Day.

68 – Marshmallow temple building. Use toothpicks and marshmallows to create mini temples or other church buildings. This activity could also tie in with a lesson about sacred spaces.

69 – Popsicle stick bracelet. Just boil popsicle sticks in water for about 15 minutes, then bend them inside a straight, glass cup (or wide-mouth jar) and let dry. Then decorate with paint or markers for a unique bracelet.

70 – Homemade musical instruments. From paper plate tambourines to rubber band guitars, there are endless possibilities for creating homemade musical instruments with everyday household items.

71 – Articles of Faith Bingo. Create a bingo game using the Articles of Faith as the numbers called out. This could be a fun way to review and memorize the Articles of Faith.

72 – “Scripture Search” scavenger hunt. Hide different scripture passages around the room or outside, with clues or riddles leading to each one. The first person or team to find all the scriptures wins.

73 – Light the World children’s service calendar. This is a great activity for the holiday season, where each day has a small service-oriented task for children to complete.

74 – Count your blessings jar. Have each child write down something they are grateful for on a slip of paper and add it to the jar. At the end of the year, read through all the slips together as a family.

75 – Build a bridge challenge. Using popsicle sticks and glue, have children work in teams to see who can build the strongest bridge that can hold the most weight. Relate this to building our own strong testimonies of Jesus Christ.

76 – Faith in God Olympics. Create a series of challenges and games that relate to the Faith in God program, such as learning scriptures, doing service projects, and developing talents.

77 – “Parable Pictionary” game. Similar to charades, but instead of acting out words or phrases, players must draw a scene from one of Jesus’ parables and have others guess which one it is.

78 – Bring an Ancestor to Activity Days. Have each child research and learn about one ancestor, then come to activity days dressed as that ancestor and share their story.

79 – Salt dough snakes (this will need to be 2-part activity). This animal craft is great for wiggly boys. Just make the salt dough, let the kids roll out and mold their snakes, bake (the dough needs to cook for 3 hours at 200F), then cool, and paint.

80 – Pinewood derby races. This classic scouting activity is a hit with boys and girls, and can be adapted for Activity Days by creating cars out of wood scraps or cardboard.

Although the LDS Church does not participate in the Boy Scouts of America program anymore, Pinewood Derby races are still a great way to engage children in hands-on activities and friendly competition.

81 – Pioneer games. Have children experience what it was like to be a pioneer by playing traditional games like tug-of-war, three-legged race, and wheelbarrow races.

82 – Cupcake wars. Have the children work in teams (or individually) to decorate cupcakes. Have a bishopric member or a member in your primary presidency be the judge.

83 – Make your own pizza. Let the children create their own pizzas with different toppings and then have a pizza party. You’ll want to come with the dough premade.

84 – Make foil dinners and cook them in the oven. This activity can be done inside or outside, depending on the weather. Have children choose their own ingredients and assemble their foil dinners before cooking them together.

85 – Make your own garden kit. This activity can teach children about gardening and also make a fun and useful gift for them to take home. Provide small pots, soil, seeds, and any other materials needed to start their own garden.

86 – Show and Tell / Favorite Things Day. Have children bring in their favorite toy, book, or item and share with the group why it’s special to them.

87 – Knot tying. Teach children how to tie different knots and have them practice making their own bracelets or keychains.

88 – Watercolor painting. This simple and inexpensive activity can bring out the creativity in children. Provide watercolor paints, paper, and brushes for them to create their own masterpieces.

89 – Fire making and safety. Invite a local firefighter or park ranger to teach children about fire safety and how to properly build and extinguish a fire.

90 – Polar Express Night (perfect for the activity before Christmas). Have children wear their pajamas, drink hot chocolate, and have a special visitor read “The Polar Express.”

91 – Make an Articles of Faith Booklet. Have children create their own booklet with the 13 Articles of Faith, including pictures or drawings to help them remember each one.

92 – DIY flower press. Teach children about different types of flowers and how to preserve them by making their own flower press.

93 – Color scavenger hunt. Hand them a sheet with colors (you get the free paint colors and cut them into smaller squares). Then go on a nature walk and have children find items in nature that match each color.

94 – Nature photography. Give children disposable cameras or let them use their own devices to go on a nature walk and take pictures of plants, animals, and other interesting things they find.

95 – Babysitting kits. For older children, teach them the basics of babysitting and have them create their own “kit” with activities, snacks, and emergency contact information.

96 – Sun catchers. Using clear contact paper and tissue paper, have children create their own sun catchers to hang in a sunny window.

97 – Fun with bubbles. Set up a bubble station with different types of wands and solutions for children to experiment with and see who can make the biggest or most unique bubbles.

98 – DIY terrariums. Teach children about plants and how they grow by helping them create their own mini terrariums using jars, soil, and small plants.

99 – Get to know you games. Have children play games that help them get to know each other and build relationships, such as “Two Truths and a Lie” or “Never Have I Ever.”

100 – Memory game. Create a memory game using pictures of family members, friends, or famous pictures from church history (such as our prophet, Jesus Christ, and temples).

Fore more ideas, please visit this page on the Church’s website.

A group of joyful children covered in colorful powder at an outdoor activity day with trees and bunting flags in the background.

What’s The Purpose of Activity Days?

Parents and Primary leaders are taught the purpose of Activity Days is to “strengthen the rising generation’s faith in Jesus Christ, and help children, youth, and their families progress along the covenant path as they meet life’s challenges.”

If you’re blessed to plan the activities for your ward’s Activity Day girls or boys, you’re in a blessed and unique position to help these young children grow in faith, love, and confidence.

You’re able to help them develop in the four key areas the Church has identified as important for their development:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Social
  3. Physical
  4. Intellectual

If you feel you need more help planning and identifying activities, the Church has provided a great resource on their website, called “Detailed Service and Activity Plan“.

This will help you decide what area you want your children to focus on and then choose activities that will help them progress in this area.

Children and adults participate in a community cleanup activity, collecting trash in a park. One boy and one girl focus on putting paper waste into a clear plastic bag.

How Often Should Primary Have These Activities?

According to the Official Handbook, “Primary activities are held two times a month when possible. They can be held more or less frequently. Leaders consider family circumstances, travel distance and costs, and safety.”

If you’d like to read more about the formal stance of the Church on activity days in the Primary Organization, you’ll find more information in this section of their Handbook.

I hope you love Activity Days as much as I and my children have.

With all the fun you’re going to have, as long as you’re pointing these children to Jesus Christ, you’re doing great.

Remember, no one is expecting you to be perfect, so don’t put that pressure on yourself. Have fun, be creative, and enjoy this special opportunity to serve and impact these young lives.

If you have a favorite activity that wasn’t shared on this list, please share it in the comments below.

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