Do you want some marriage advice? These brilliant ideas to keep falling in love in your marriage are ones you can’t afford to miss. If you’re looking to strengthen your marriage, increase your communication, and keep falling in love, then continue reading and discover these brilliant ideas.

Marriage can be amazing.
You take two imperfect people and they see the worst of each other in all of life’s situations.
Husband’s have the power to make their wives feel like a queen, wanted and loved. While wives have the ability to comfort her husband during his trials and remind him of his worth as a provider and friend.
Through all of life’s adventures, there is one thing you have to keep a daily focus on. This is something you can easily lose if you aren’t careful, and one day, you might forget even existed.
This is love.
More specifically, to love your spouse.
Today, I want to share with you 10 brilliant ideas to keep falling in love in your marriage. These are things you can easily do every day and that only take a couple of quick minutes. Are you ready?
10 Brilliant Ideas To Keep Falling In Love In Your Marriage
1. Keep Talking
Talk to each other!
One of the best ways to stay connected in your marriage is to communicate. If you can talk about the boring and silly things of life, then you’ll have an easier time when discussing those difficult moments that tug at your heart.
2. Date Each Other
When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse?
You don’t have to spend a ton of money to keep dating each other. There are so many free date ideas you and your spouse can do from home.
If you struggle with deciding what to do on a date, or if you’re bored with the same go-to date ideas, sit down and create a “Date Jar” with your spouse. Put different date ideas on slips of paper for when you need them.
3. Show Affection
When was the last time you gave your husband a hug because you wanted to? Husbands, when was the last time you kissed your wife just to say, “I love you”?
One of my favorite sights is seeing cute elderly couples snuggling and holding hands. They look so in love with each other. Do you think this is something they started doing after their kids were raised and out of the house?
Of course not! Our grandparents learned how to hold on tightly to each other when trials came and knew better than to go to bed angry.
If you can learn early on in your marriage that your spouse is the most important person, second to God in your life, and you have the opportunity and responsibility to show love to him, you’ll keep falling in love with your spouse.
4. Have A Night-In
Through all the hustle and bustle of the day’s events, sometimes it’s just nice to stay inside and have a night in.
Cuddle up together under a blanket, or enjoy a warm bath with each other. (You’re married, remember? It’s okay to be intimate with your spouse!)
5. Turn It Off
Speaking of intimacy, turn “it” off – yes, I’m talking about your cell phone.
Spend time with your spouse where you’re both disconnected from phones, tablets, electronics (even your watches, if you have a smartwatch).
There was a time when my husband and I went to Canada early in our marriage. We turned off our cell phones before crossing the border and left them off the entire time.
We were able to connect on a deeper level without any distractions pulling us apart. I challenge you and your spouse to spend time with each other without electronics as well.
6. Dream Big
You have to dream big with your sweetheart by your side if you’re going to survive the difficult times in life. There is something that connects a husband and wife together when their goals are aligned with each other.
What are some things you can dream about together?
– Talk about your dream home.
– Plan the color of your forever house.
– Talk about how many kids you want.
– Plan a dream vacation.
7. You Don’t Have To Be Right
There are always going to be arguments and disagreements in a marriage. This is part of life.
Always remember, it’s better to love than to be right. There are some fights that aren’t worth winning, while there are people who are important to save and patiently wait upon.
When disagreements do come (and they will), remember to stay calm, don’t take things personally, express yourself, and stay present until the issue at hand is resolved.
8. Do Something New
Do something new with your spouse. Whether this is an adventure you want to go on or something new to try in the bedroom.
Be willing to do something new together and withhold judgment and criticism.
9. Laugh…A Lot
Always laugh.
There are so many times when I think back to a memory with my husband that I wasn’t laughing at, but we now find hysterical.
One of those memories involves the game of Risk. We both LOVE this game, but one day my husband took my little island and I wiped him off the board. (He was not going to take my little island).
Even though I wasn’t too thrilled with him at the moment, this has become one of our fondest memories, and whenever we play the game together, we always remember and take the time to laugh.
10. Always Remember
You have to remember why you fell in love with your spouse and what attracted you to them in the first place. Maybe their smile caught you off guard, or you love their sense of humor.
Whatever the reason, you have to hold onto those binding memories because when the storms of life come (and they do come), you’ll be able to weather them together.
As you focus on strengthening your marriage, talking through difficult conversations together, making your spouse a priority, and always remembering the “why” behind your marriage, you’ll continue to be in love with your spouse for many happy years to come.
Leave a comment and let us know what you love most about your spouse!
Micah Klug is a wife, homeschooling mother to five children, and author. She teaches time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. To learn how a child who grew up in an authoritarian home is now creating an environment of peace and joy in her own home visit this page. If you want to contact Micah, send her an email here or email [email protected].
We try to always plan at least one date a month and always have humor in our day-to-day life. Great tips!
I love your idea of making dates a priority. Have a great day, Shiree.
Laugh a lot and always remember – I love your tips for keeping your marriage alive! It is the one relationships we have to work to keep alive. Time together cannot be substituted! It is so important because he is the one you get to keep after the kids are all grown! 😊
Thanks for sharing on #WanderingWednesday with Choosing Wisdom! 💕
You are so right when you say ‘he’s the one you get to keep after the kids are all grown.’ I love your idea of always remembering too. This is so important, especially when difficult times come. Have a great day, Lori. =D
Hi from a fellow Wednesday Wanderer 🙂
Great list, Micah! I’m together with my husband for over 34 years already, but we still connect and have a great time together. We talk a lot and have date-days once a month. He is my friend and soulmate 😉
Congrats on your many years of marriage! That is so awesome. I love your date-days idea. Have a great day.
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Thank you for you the amazing tips!
Of course! I hope you found these helpful.